Tuesday 29 December 2015

Celebrate This New Year

We can celebrate this New Year 2016 with our family members in different ways. New Year is a universal festival which is celebrated around the world by entire people living on different parts of country. According to different time zones there may be differentiation in the date and time of New Year. But we are celebrating New Year in all over the world. Some people like to enjoy New Year with their family and friends. This blog is about how we can celebrate New Year differently with our family.

Organize a New Year party in your family: We can organize a New Year party with our family members and friends. This is a best choice to celebrate this New Year. And thus we can make a good bond between generations. We can meet our grandfather, grandmother, cousins, uncle, aunty, friends and colleagues.

Arrange Programs and Events: Arrange different programs and events in your New Year party. Make funny games and surprising events within the party.

Fireworks: This is one of the common things in this jollification of New Year. This is mostly liked by children.

 Adopt some New Year Resolutions: We can adopt some New Year Resolutions which add a meaning to our life. Happy New Year Resolution is an opportunity to estimate our goals.

Visit Different places with your family: We can visit our favourite places with our family and thus we can enjoy some beautiful moments with our family members.

Here you will see the best ways for celebrating this New Year with family.
 You can share these tips with your loved ones and beloved to make this New Year more beautiful and wonderful.

“A new year is like a blank book,   the pen is in your hands,   It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself,   Happy New Year 2016.”

Thursday 19 November 2015

Trace your Ancestors Online

Now we have more number of resources for tracing ancestors online. Before you step out onto this process of tracing ancestors online,you must know about the websites,that are going to help you.

This year I noticed really helpful websites for tracing ancestors online and for making family tree.
"My family root" is one of the best website for tracing your ancestors online. Here you can build your family tree.They are providing an excellent family tree making application online. And one another benefit of this application is,it's free of cost to register your family.

For tracing your ancestors online,I Think the following steps will be help you.

First step for anyone tracing their ancestors is asking relatives for information about their earlier generations.
Consult your every family members and prepare a written note based on that information.And collect your family's history books,names and photos of your ancestors etc.

Second step for tracing your ancestors is,collect the name and address of your family members who are still alive.

In 3rd step make a full record about your family including the following key elements,

1. Family history
2. Names and address of your ancestors
3. Family photos and if possible collect individual photos also
4. Keep updated details of your family members who are still alive
5. At last but most important thing,you should keep a relational data of your family members

Finally in 4th step you just register your family in "My family root".
For that visit www.myfamilyroot.com and click on register page to register your family.
Otherwise you just visit directly through the My family root register page www.myfamilyroot.com/home/register. After that you can start your family tree.

I also searched many other websites for tracing ancestors online but I chosen this "My family Root" because of it's simplicity and useful functionalities.
So I think this website may help everyone for tracing their ancestors online.


Wednesday 23 September 2015

Spend More Time With Your children!!!!

Do you spent atleast half an hour with your child???????

Today in this busy world  parents didn't spent more time with their children. But children want to spend  more time with their parents...

You have to spend some moments with your child. It's important for parents and children to do things together to strengthen the family bond.Children need time to spend with other kids, to develop trust and learning capacity.


  •  Mothers should spend more time with kids 

  • Allow them to play with other kids

  • Give some toys to your child for increasing learning capabilities 

  • Parents should spend some time for outing with your child

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Steps For Start A Digital Family Tree

Do you know how to start your digital family tree and what are the steps that we need for it? This blog may give you the clear idea for creating a digital family tree. Now there are many number of websites provides an option to make a digital family tree. My Family Root is one of the best website for start your digital family tree. Here you can digitize your family details as a tree format within a few steps.


1. Collect Details about your Family

 First you should collect details about your family.Collect family records,Old family photos from old letters, diaries etc.This may give you the clear  idea about your family.

2. Talk to your relatives

You just talk to your relatives about your family.Especially with the old generations, you will get more details from them .

3.Register Your Family With My Family Root

 After collecting your family details register your family with My Family Root website www.myfamilyroot.com . Here you can register your family at free of cost.My Family Root provides you the best platform for creating digital family tree.

4.Build your Family Tree

Now the next step is for creating your digital family tree. In My family root you can create your family tree as branch wise & here you can add many number of generations in your family tree easily.   

My family root is one of the best choice for making your digital family tree.Here you can register your family at free of cost.And there are more advanced features available like Bulk SMS,Bulk E-mail,Event notifications,Gallery for families,Automated SMS & E-mail for Birthdays,Wedding Anniversaries etc.


If you want to digitise your family records , then visit our website & register your family in www.myfamilyroot.com/home/register        


Wednesday 8 July 2015

Religion and Family Tree Kerala

Kerala Religions are a combination of different faiths,most significantly Hinduism, Islam and Christianity. Religion has made a special impact on culture of Kerala.My Family Root helps to maintain a bond between generations.Here you can create online family tree at free of cost. This family tree website is more benefitable for Kerala families.

                                                     Here in My Family Root, people from any religion can be create their own family tree without any cost. In this generations most of the people are interested to trace their ancestors in online. My Family Root is one of the best solution to trace your ancestors online. Hindu families, Islam families, Christian families  & people from any other religions can also make their online family tree at My Family Root.

Here you will get more benefits from My Family Root like free bulk SMS,free bulk e-mail,event notifications,excellent family tree with member photos etc.If you want to create your own family tree, then visit our website www.myfamilyroot.com and register your family at free of cost.    


Sunday 21 June 2015

Best Family Tree Website in 2015

                                                      My Family Root is now one of the best family tree website in 2015. This family tree website is more benefitable for Families. If you want to create family tree online,you can directly contact with My Family Root.We will provide the best services for you.This is more helpful application for families to build family tree at free of cost & it's very user friendly also.


Family Trees are the great way to keep up with family history, family member's details, tree representation of families with photos. And this family trees are one of the effective way to identify your ancestors.

                                                             Now there are more number of family tree websites available,but this is entirely different from other family tree websites. Because we are  providing  this family tree maker as free of cost with more number of  features like,

  • Free Bulk SMS
  • Free Bulk E-mail
  • Event notifications
  • Automated SMS 
  • Automated E-mail
  •  Excellent family tree with photos 
  •  Family Tree home page with photo banner
  • Option for Privacy Settings
  •  Gallery    etc.
These above features are the attractable factors in My Family Root. Register your family with us , and enjoy our more benefitable & excellent features.
You can easily register  in online with our register page at free of cost,


Tuesday 2 June 2015

5 Effective Strategies for Building a Family Tree


   My Family Root is one the top family tree website for build your family tree online at free of cost. The following 5- strategies listed in this blog will give you a better outlook on what is required at the time of family tree making.


1. First You should Understand the Size of Your Family

        The time taken to build your family tree is depends on your family's size. Suppose if you are from a big family, the time period taken will be long. Because there you wants to collect more number of records like, names,address,phone numbers, photos etc. But in My Family Root we will help you to solve this issue easily. Once you build your family tree with My Family Root, you can update your family tree at any time and we will provide an option to add branches of your family. Thus you can extend family tree at any time.                   

2.Collection of Older Records

        Collection of older records are one of the main element in family tree making. This is one of the best way to make family tree easier. If you have an older family record that may help you to build your family tree within less time. Thus you can trace your family history.


3. Please Talk to Your Relatives

      Please talk to your relatives and collect more details about your family. From your relatives you will get more details about ancestors. This may help you to make family tree more easily. After registering your family with My Family Root, we will provides an option to connect with your relatives via free SMS & E-mail. 

  4. Keep Good Records

         Always keep good records within your family tree. Collect details of your ancestors correctly,keep updated phone numbers address etc. This may reflect in your family tree & this will make your family tree excellent. My family root is one of the best family tree website to keep your family records like family history, family members details, member photos,phone number & E-mail. Security is one of the main advantage of building family tree with My Family Root.

5. Focus Your Research Effort

First you have to be selective in your research. Collect your family records on branch wise. Thus you can easily trace your ancestors. My Family Root will be help you to add family trees on branch wise. 
Register your family with my family root at free cost. 

Visit our website to register your family www.myfamilyroot.com.

