Thursday 19 November 2015

Trace your Ancestors Online

Now we have more number of resources for tracing ancestors online. Before you step out onto this process of tracing ancestors online,you must know about the websites,that are going to help you.

This year I noticed really helpful websites for tracing ancestors online and for making family tree.
"My family root" is one of the best website for tracing your ancestors online. Here you can build your family tree.They are providing an excellent family tree making application online. And one another benefit of this application is,it's free of cost to register your family.

For tracing your ancestors online,I Think the following steps will be help you.

First step for anyone tracing their ancestors is asking relatives for information about their earlier generations.
Consult your every family members and prepare a written note based on that information.And collect your family's history books,names and photos of your ancestors etc.

Second step for tracing your ancestors is,collect the name and address of your family members who are still alive.

In 3rd step make a full record about your family including the following key elements,

1. Family history
2. Names and address of your ancestors
3. Family photos and if possible collect individual photos also
4. Keep updated details of your family members who are still alive
5. At last but most important thing,you should keep a relational data of your family members

Finally in 4th step you just register your family in "My family root".
For that visit and click on register page to register your family.
Otherwise you just visit directly through the My family root register page After that you can start your family tree.

I also searched many other websites for tracing ancestors online but I chosen this "My family Root" because of it's simplicity and useful functionalities.
So I think this website may help everyone for tracing their ancestors online.


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